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Fixing fried

work brains

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Fixing fried

work brains

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What you'll learn in 45 minutes

Understand what’s going on when you struggle to think clearly with so much on your plate at work and what you can do about it.

Key topics:

  • Cognitive Loading - Where the bottlenecks in your thinking capacity are and what goes on when they’re overloaded.
  • Mental Loops - Why having too much unfinished stuff to do makes it difficult to concentrate on any of it.
  • Reducing Mental Friction - How to “oil” your workflow to give your brain easier options to take.

Michael Tipper
Productivity Specialist
The celebrated personal productivity specialist. An international award winning speaker and author of 7 books, Michael regularly appears on TV and radio and is host of the Profit Productivity Podcast.
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• Practical advice based on your unique needs for managing communications, documents and approvals across multiple apps with many different stakeholders.

• Insights, benchmarking and best practice from your industry/sector.

• An opportunity to address any specific challenges you are facing in strictest confidence.

• 15-minutes Zoom based call.

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