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Data loss


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Data loss


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What You'll Learn

Data Loss Webinar: Building a Cyber-Savvy Workforce: How to Guide Data Loss Prevention

In today's digital landscape, safeguarding your data isn't a choice; it's a necessity.

Compromised credentials and data breaches? Those are major headaches for your team.

Now,let's talk action! Mistakes here aren't just risky; they have the potential to deliver a serious blow to your entire organisation.

It's time to gear up and ensure your defences are solid - the digital game is all about being proactive and ready.

Are you up for the challenge?

Join Team Workiro As We:

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of data protection
  • Show you how to ensure your team members understand the dangers of data loss
  • Share the major red flags you must avoid when receiving and handling new data  
Luke Kiely
Luke Kiely is the Chief Information Security Officer at GetBusy plc. With over two decades in cybersecurity, Luke's career spans law enforcement and corporate sectors. He served as a Detective Sergeant specialising in cybercrime investigations for 12 years, later becoming Head of Internal Cyber Security & Technical Compliance at Content+Cloud. Luke's expertise in PCI-DSS, ISO27001, and GDPR, coupled with his experience in cyber incident response, makes him a leading authority on the ECCT Act and its implications for businesses.
Dave Owen
Dave has over 20 years’ in IT and software, with a passion for delivering innovative solutions, fostering strong relationships, and leveraging experience to drive excellence.
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• An opportunity to address any specific challenges you are facing in strictest confidence.

• 15-minutes Zoom based call.